EDC cooperation

Congrats! When you visit EDC’s website, you’ve come to Denmark’s largest property agency chain:

230 independent stores across the country and more than 1,600 employees are part of the large property chain that has existed for 50 years.

not small-mindedly!

The cooperation between EDC and Viamap has existed for 4 years. From the very beginning, EDC has chosen to have a map solution that includes a lot of user-friendly features:

Point of Interests

EDC has chosen to show the nearest train station, supermarket and school upfront. These are the most common and displayed points of interest that we love to know when dreaming about our next home.

In addition, you can select seven other categories – including nearest metro, doctor and daycare centre. All categories can be selected and deselected depending on what you prioritise as important in relation to the location of the property.


On EDC’s map, you can also view the cadastral perimeter and cadastral number. It can matter in many ways: How close are we to the road, the neighbour, etc.? And again, this can also be a personal criterion, and that you don’t waste time looking at properties that are not at all what you imagined.

See aerial view of the property

Not only can you view a potential future property on a map and select and deselect criteria, you can also choose to view an aerial view of the property. This gives a fairly realistic impression of the property’s location and surroundings.

When it all adds up

There is no doubt that EDC wants to help its users to find homes based on their own personal choices and criteria at their leisure. And they want to give their users plenty of choice. And EDC knows that there is a lot at stake for the individual user when it comes to finding the next property to call “home”.

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