Meet Richard Miklos
Richard is one of our newer forces, but he is an employee who has already made his mark on a number of development tasks. With his sense of coherence and accuracy and technical qualities, he is a valuable part of the team at Viamap.
Richard is a software developer and is educated at DTU. His primary focus is backend:
“I have been given a lot of responsibility for both development of products and in contact with the customers. But it has been extended slowly, so I have been with it all along. And it’s cool to work with people who are skilled and experienced and have tried the growth journey before – but where I can still contribute something new, ”says Richard Miklos.
Amoung a lot of other tasks Richard has taken part of developing an admin tool containing POIs (Point Of Interest). He is helping to introduce Mapit analysis tools (digital map solution) to customers so that they have a basic understanding of Mapit, and he has also provided several special map solutions to customers.